Monday 24 September 2012

Connect Twitter Account with Facebook and LinkedIn

Social networking sites are very popular nowadays. Some are using to interact with friends and relatives, some are using to entertainment while a part of them taking benefits by promoting their business and brands. Each and every person wants to reach many people online. So people make account on social networking sites. As time passes, there are too many social sites now for build network.

Among the too many social sites people have no time to access all these sites. If one person wants to post anything then this takes too much time to post it on all social sites. So there is need to connect social sites with each other so that any update on any site, make update on all sites. There are mostly used social sites such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. How can you connect your twitter account with facebook and LinkedIn? Let have a look on some tips here.

By using these tips you can triple your tweet’s reach-ability.

Connect Twitter with Facebook 
-Login to your Facebook account at
-In the Search bar search twitter application
-Add the application now to your account.
-You have to allow and authorize access for twitter and facebook.
-Enter now twitter login information
-Select option to update your Facebook status.
-Choose your setting and click ‘Allow’.

Connecting Twitter with LinkedIn 
-Login to your account at
-There will be a Twitter icon just after the “Share an update”. Now you have to click on this icon.
-There will open a pop-up window.
-This window asks you to allow access to Twitter and authorize.
-If you are logged into Twitter account already, it’ll connect right away.
- If you are already not logged in, you will have to enter your login information to access twitter.
-Choose your preferred settings among setting options and click on ‘Allow’.
-Complete the process by clicking on “Save Settings.”

 The status will update on all the three accounts when you tweet any post. This feature also provides you to find people who have account on both social networking sites.

Now you can follow your facebook friends and LinkedIn network on twitter also at

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